Not too long ago, I posted a blog about my new goals as a writer. I had ideas and plans. I even made a page with my name on it on Facebook for people to like. Well, a couple (a few) months have gone by and I am ashamed, but not surprised, to say that I have since abandoned that project in favor of multi-hour marathon Netflix watching. I am now a pro at Netflixing, but my writing has definitely suffered at the hands of the glorious Netflix siren that sings to me when I get home from work.
I know that nothing is to blame for my procrastination except my own laziness and general apathy. I wrongly assumed that I would be much more motivated after graduating. Alas, I feel as though I am now a hundred times worse and fifty pounds heavier. Snacks are more alluring than ever and sugary soda is one of the few things I am excited for when I wake up in the morning.
What is my point in writing this? I'm honestly not sure. Maybe I feel the need to apologize to any of you who were actually waiting for me to write something. Maybe I just want to complain about myself and hope someone understands. And maybe I'm just writing this because I am too much of a procrastinator to actually work on that novel.
Sigh. *turns on Netflix* Well that's about as much writing as I can get out in one sitting nowadays. Oh good, they added new Disney Channel movies. Goodnight, I'm going to watch Princess Protection Program. Again.
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