Wednesday, November 21, 2012


I know you all must have noticed this: the new trend of basically skipping over Thanksgiving and going directly into the Christmas season. I admit, I myself am guilty; my Christmas tree in the living room is proof. However, I think we as a society need to be a little more thankful before we dive into the greedy holiday Christmas has become.

Yesterday, I went to Best Buy and there were tents out front where people were camping for the upcoming Black Friday sale. Now, I personally do not understand why anyone would think a sale was important enough to camp out in front of a store for five days. Is our society really that messed up that we care so much about material things as to let them interfere with our lives? I think the answer to that is a big, resounding YES. People are skipping the holiday of Thanksgiving and spending time with their families in order to buy a big television they don't need at a great price. And let me just point out that you are not in fact saving money by spending it.

I personally am not a proponent of the story behind Thanksgiving, but I think the idea behind it, of being thankful for what you have, is very important. Christmas also needs to be revamped in my opinion, to be more about giving than receiving. I always look to my lovely parents and my sister as an example. My parents have already sponsored two angel tree children this year and my sister has also done one. They expect no praise or anything in return for their good deed. They give because they are able.

I urge you all to think about your actions this holiday season. Be thankful for what you have, be compassionate, be giving, and most of all do not let material things take precedence over the more important things like family and friends.

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